Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Source

Just found another online resource with lots of primary documents as pdf's.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

CALL FOR PAPERS: Tyndale, More, and their Circles

'Tyndale, More and their circles: Persecution and martyrdom under the Tudors.'

Liverpool Hope University, United Kingdom, 3-6 July 2008

This will be an interdisciplinary conference which will bring together scholars interested in the religious history and literature of the Tudor period. Although there will be a focus on lives, works and reputations of Tyndale and More, papers are sought on martyrdom, religious persecution and inter-Christian conflict generally and thus may range in subject from Anne Askew to Edmund Campion.

Principal Speakers: Prof. Brian Cummings, University of Sussex. Prof. Eamon Duffy University of Cambridge. Rev. Dr Ralph S. Werrall, The Tyndale Society.

Proposals for papers (title and 300-500 words) or enquiries should be directed by October 1st 2007 to Rev. Matthew Baynham, Hopkins Hall, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool L38QB, UK baynham @hope.ac.uk or Dr John Flood, Balliol College, Oxford OX1 3BJ, UK. john.flood@balliol.ox.ac.uk

Sunday, February 25, 2007

QUESTION: Valdes, Hus, and others

In a session on witchcraft at the last SCSC, Michael Bailey raised a question about the relationship between the late medieval Reformatio and the Reformation. His question was interesting in the way it was presented -- the standard sources and narrative of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries tends to make what happens in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries look inevitable. At the same time, the nature of the sources and the historiography tend to lead to create stark distinctions between the two periods -- rarely if ever do scholars make a concerted effort to bridge the gap between "late medieval" and "early modern." He was speaking specifically about witchcraft and the way early modern scholars treat the Malleus Malificarum, but his general point remains, I think, valid for Reformation history generally.

Here I want to recast his question: what place (if any) do earlier heretical movements -- here I'm thinking of the Waldensians and Hussites, but also the Beguines, Beghards, "Free Spirit" devotees (if they even existed), Fraticelli, Radical Joachimites, Lollards, etc. -- have in the narrative of the capital "R" Reformation? What place ought we accord in our teaching and research to such movements?

SOURCE: Jesuit Relations in Canada

For fans of the movie "Black Robe," or those looking for an American history angle in Early Modern Studies, the complete English Translation of the Jesuit Relations from Canada are online. The site includes links to the original French texts as well as the translation.

TEACHING: Sources on Catholic Theology

Standard readers on the Reformation are not necessarily friendly to Rome. There are a few online resources, though, which can be used for courses. If you know of any others, feel free to add them -- in the meantime, this is a good starting point.

The site I have found myself coming back to again and again is New Advent, where you can find the complete run of the Ante- and Post-Nicene Fathers, Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica, and that frequent source for idiosyncratic plagiarism, The Catholic Encyclopedia. The site has an obvious missionary zeal, but that's part of its charm.

One source collection I have used for teaching over the years is the online source run out of Fordham. Sadly, it doesn't appear that anyone has been updating it much lately, but it's a good starting point. Click here to access the Reformation sections of the Medieval and Modern Sourcebooks. Another potentially useful (if eclectic) teaching resource is the Christian Classics Ethereal Library.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

POV/TEACHING: Combining Ren/Ref

In a comment to the thread on textbooks for courses on the Reformation, Bradford Smith raises an issue that is important enough to deserve its own thread. So I'd like to repeat and expand on his question here: what texts do you use for a course that covers both the Renaissance and the Reformation, and what themes or topics do you emphasize in such a broad course? What are some good English-language websites on the Renaissance and Reformation?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

LINKS: Couch Potato Research

One of the most significant technological innovations in the last several years has been the availability on the web of many standard reference works that I had to consult in the library when I was a grad student. I'd like to begin a list of useful links for those who work in early modern European history. Some of my favorites are:

Deutsches Wörterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm http://germazope.uni-trier.de/Projects/WBB/woerterbuecher/dwb/suchmaschine

Elektronische Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie


Grotefends Zeitrechnung des Deutschen Mittelalters und der Neuzeit


Orbis Latinus Online


Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog

What are your favorite reference links? Let us know, and we'll post them on this site!

POV: Reformation textbooks?

There are a number of textbooks and readers currently available for use in classroom instruction of Reformation history. Which one are you using, for what sort of course, and why?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Free Resource: German Medieval History

The German Historical Institute has just published a book called Medieval Germany: Research and Resources. It was compiled by a medieval history scholar, John Eldevik. It is primarily a bibliography of works on medieval Germany, as well as information about archives, library holdings, fellowships, institutes, scholarly associations, etc. I hope to increase the use of these free guides, which, incidentally, are also available on the Internet at www.ghi-dc.org/reference.html). If people want a hard copy of the guide, completely free of charge (no shipping, either), they can also click on the appropriate link at the web address above to place their order.

Thank you,
Patricia Sutcliffe

Dr. Patricia Casey Sutcliffe, Editor
German Historical Institute 1607 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 552-8926 Fax: (202) 387-6437
Email: sutcliffe@ghi-dc.org

Monday, February 12, 2007

SCSC 2006 Panel report: Early Modern England in Print

<>"Early Modern England in Print: World, Self, Nation" explored the implications of print for inquiry into early-modern English religious and political thought. This graduate student panel was chaired by Gary Gibbs (History, Roanoke College). Ethan Shagan (History, Northwestern University) commented.

Matthew Thrond
(History, University of Texas - Austin) presented "False Imprint as Geographic Imposture in Early Modern English Print." This paper reassessed the cultural meanings of a tactic frequently used by sixteenth-century printers either to commit forgery or to evade censorship and usually discussed as an instrument to one of these ends. It focused on two cases in which Protestant English printers identified their London lieux d’impression as Scotland. Because these imprints presented comparatively little hazard to their printers, Thrond used them to explore how printers used imposture expressively. In the first case, the printing of a piece of propaganda against Mary Stuart's sometime allies, he elaborated connections between levels of imposture, typographical and linguistic strategies, trade politics, and the contestation of “authorship” implicit in a misperformance of ethnicity. The second case,involving the Huguenot narrative of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, followed the elision of printerly "ego" through its interaction with authorial pseudonymy. Thrond argued that in this case the printer’s imposture, undertaken at the cost of his proprietary rights to the copy but without the motive of fear that characterized surreptitious print generally, put askew the rhetorical roles of printer, translator and author to reconstrue the ethical and political message of the printed book. What implications did internationality hold for the relationship between ideologies of plainness and proof, touted in the French text, and of dialogue and persuasion, suggested by the English printed book? <>Gregory A. Foran (English, University of Texas - Austin) delivered "'Incertainties now crown themselves assured:' Print, Prophecy, and Epistemology in Early Seventeenth Century English Literature." Foran's paper examined the treatment of prophetic foreknowledge and itsrelationship to the printed word, particularly in Shakespeare, Donne, and Bacon. By the beginning of the seventeenth century, English presses churned out a steady stream of prophetic literature, from cheap broadsheet ballads setting providential interpretations of miracles tomusic, to learned commentaries on Daniel and Revelation. Yet these works navigated competing imperatives; in a sense all were “visible sermons” but was their value to be felt in the spreading of the word, or in the suspicious iconicity and materiality of marketable books? Foran analyzedthe tactics by which writers expressed skepticism toward competing prophetic claims: Shakespeare's Macbeth unmasks the ideological motivations of prophetic discourse, while Donne's writings confine epistemological certainty to the afterlife, where knowledge comesunmediated by the printed word. Bacon’s dismissal of supernatural foreknowledge, which presents the problem of ambivalence toward the public world of print, points to the role of the state in his quasi-prophetic vision of scientific reform.

Anne Throckmorton
(History, University of Virginia) gave her account of a polemical battle between an English Protestant and an exiled English Catholic in “Mediating Confessional Identity through History: Two Dialogues.” Sir Humphrey Lynde and John Heigham should have had nothing in common. Lynde was a knight and Heigham was a notorious smuggler of Catholic books. Yet these men who never met were preoccupied with the same historical problem: to stake a claim for their respective churches to the most ancient lineage and thereby to establish a monopoly on religious orthodoxy. This preoccupation led Lynde to write a book defending the historical legitimacy of the Protestant faith. Heigham responded to Lynde by writing his own book. <>While books and counter-books riddled with invective were not uncommon, Throckmorton argued that Lynde and Heigham were unusual because they ventured into publishing territory dominated by scholars and clergymen. Both thus bore witness in print to a crucial discontinuity of the Reformation even as, intellectually, one man was wont to minimize its novelty and the other to deny its having had a positive effect. Throckmorton analyzed how the works of both men engaged the contradictory currents of historical thinking that characterized the times, from the freighted problem of Luther’s place in the history of the Christian church to the connections between empiricism, visibility, and orthodoxy.

In the discussion that followed, commentator Shagan’s remarks centered on the question of how early modern English readers' subject positions—toward texts that raised or invoked epistemological doubts—were rhetorically constructed. Shagan responded to Thrond and Foran by urging them to articulate the problem of reader response more centrally in their arguments. How did rhetorical strategies in and of the book reach their targets—and did they? How do these results reflect early modern readers’ negotiation of disbelief and belief? He further suggested in response to Throckmorton's paper that in articulating the significance of her findings, she address recent research, by Anthony Milton among others, pointing to the paradoxical role of Protestant anti-Catholicism in undermining Puritanism. Significant audience contributions explored, for example, the tensions in Donne’s poetics of the sacred and the nuances of competition and collaboration in the London print trade.

NEW BOOK: Eamon Duffy, Marking the Hours

For those who have not yet seen it, Eamon Duffy's new Marking the Hours: English People and Their Prayers (New Haven: Yale UP, 2006), is a richly-illustrated move into the field of the material culture of the book. The result of the 2002 Riddell Lectures, the book connects familiar with less familiar images and ties our knowledge of the Reformation into the ways in which the owners of books of hours used them before, during and after the Reformation. Duffy connects his scholarly knowhow with a readable style that will be accessible to scholars and lay readers alike.

If you've read the book or are familiar with it and would like to comment, or ask a question, please do so by clicking on "comment"!

SOURCE: The Kessler and Seydel Collections at Emory

Emory University libraries are home to two excellent collections of sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century imprints. The Seydel Collection is surely the least know and utilized. Based on the private collection of Paul Seydel (1884-1942) , a Belgian Chemist and book collector, the Sedyel collection includes numerous works from the print shot of Christophe Plantin. One of the aims of the collection is to acquire copies of all the works from his press. Later works from the Plantin press from the seventeenth century are also prominent. This is a real gem for any students of the late Renaissance. The collection is housed in the Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library of Emory University ( http://marbl.library.emory.edu/ )

An even larger collection is the Richard C. Kessler Reformation Collection, currently including nearly 3,000 sixteenth-century imprints, including 800+ works by Martin Luther. A magnificent (if I do say so myself) annotated bibliography of the collection is available (shameless plug ); you can also peruse the collection online http://www.pitts.emory.edu/SpecColl/kesslercoll.html . A digital image archive is online, though it is somewhat counterintuitive to use. Several works from the collection have been reprinted in amazingly affordable facsimile editions in the series Emory Texts and Studies in Ecclesial Life. The Kessler Collection is one of the finest Reformation collections in the country including not only works by major reformers but early hymnals, church ordinances, and controversial literature. One noteworthy find is a collection of pamphlets printed at Magdeburg between 1548 and 1555, including both the original Latin and German editions of the Magdeburg Confession.
These two collections should make Atlanta a worthy destination for Reformation researchers -- come in the spring when the weather is best.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Franckesche Stiftungen zu Halle (Saale), Halle (Saale)
Bewerbungsschluss: 20.03.2007

<>Dank der großzügigen Förderung durch die Fritz Thyssen Stiftung können die Franckeschen Stiftungen eine Reihe von Stipendien anbieten. Sie sind <>für Forschungen im Studienzentrum der Franckeschen Stiftungen, demInterdisziplinären Zentrum für Pietismusforschung und dem <>Interdisziplinären Zentrum für die Erforschung der Europäischen Aufklärung der Martin-Luther-Universität bestimmt. <>Das Rahmenthema des Fritz Thyssen Stipendienprogramms lautet: Erforschung von Pietismus und Aufklärung im Zusammenhang mit der <>Geschichte der Institutionen, insbesondere des 18. Jahrhunderts, auch inihrem internationalen Kontext.

Folgende Stipendien werden vergeben:
6 Forschungsstipendien für Wissenschaftler aus dem In- und Ausland für
Forschungsaufenthalten in Halle von drei Monaten.
Pauschalstipendium: EUR 5.200,-
6 Doktorandenstipendien für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs aus dem In-
und Ausland für Forschungsaufenthalte in Halle von drei Monaten.
Pauschalstipendium: EUR 3.130,-

Anträge auf Stipendien stellen Sie bitte formlos an den Direktor der
Franckeschen Stiftungen
Dr. Thomas Müller-Bahlke
Franckesche Stiftungen
Franckeplatz 1 Haus 37
D-06110 Halle/Saale

Dr. Britta Klosterberg
Studienzentrum August Hermann Francke
Franckeplatz1, Haus 22-24
06110 Halle

ANN: Fellowship

Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz
Bewerbungsschluss: 02.03.2007

Das Institut für Europäische Geschichte vergibt Stipendien für einen Forschungsaufenthalt in Mainz ab Juli 2007 (für deutsche Stipendiaten ab
Januar 2008).

Gefördert werden Forschungen zu den Grundlagen Europas ­ vergleichende und/oder transnationale bzw. transkulturelle Projekte, die sich mit europäischen Transfer- und Kommunikationsprozessen sowie mitEuropa-Vorstellungen und Europa-Konzeptionen zwischen ca. 1450 und ca. <>1950 befassen. Dies schließt geistes-, kirchen- und theologiegeschichtliche Fragestellungen ausdrücklich mit ein. Die zu
fördernden Projekte sollten auf mindestens sechs Monate angelegt sein.

Bewerbungen für die Forschungsbereiche des Instituts werden besonders begrüßt. Darin können die Stipendiaten eng mit den Wissenschaftlern des Hauses zusammenarbeiten. Diese Forschungsbereiche (weitere Informationen: www.ieg-mainz.de/forschungsbereiche/) sind:

1. Europa als Herausforderung für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kirche
2. Kommunikation und Transformation in Religion und Geselllschaft
(darunter: Religion ­ Mobilität ­ Gesellschaft)
3. Wertewandel und Geschichtsbewußtsein
4. Raumbezogene Forschungen zur Geschichte Europas seit 1500

Das Stipendienprogramm des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte führt Forschung, Ausbildung und internationale Vernetzung zusammen. Das Institut ermöglicht seinen Stipendiaten, ungestört ihr eigenes Forschungsvorhaben zu verfolgen. In einer internationalen Gesprächsatmosphäre schärfen die Stipendiaten Methoden und Fragestellungen einer interdisziplinären historischen Europaforschung. Sie erhalten die Gelegenheit, forschungsbegleitende Qualifikationen zu erwerben, indem sie ­ je nach Interesse und fachlicher Ausrichtung ­ an <>den vielfältigen wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten des Instituts mitwirken. Im Austausch mit den internationalen Kooperationspartnern des Instituts können sie sich in das Netzwerk der historischen Europaforschungintegrieren. Die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten wohnen und arbeiten im Institutsgebäude in Mainz. Reisen zu Archiven, Bibliotheken, auswärtigen Fachleuten und Fachtagungen sind möglich. Für ihre Forschungen steht den Stipendiaten die gut ausgestattete Spezialbibliothek des Instituts zur

Bewerben können sich Wissenschaftler/innen aus dem In- und Ausland, die in der Regel an ihrer Dissertation arbeiten oder diese vor kurzem abgeschlossen haben. Bewerber müssen zumindest einen ersten qualifizierten Hochschulabschluß als Historiker oder Theologen haben. Bei Post-Doc-Projekten muß die Dissertation bei Bewerbungsschluß vorliegen. Als außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung nimmt das Institut keine Prüfungen ab und verleiht keine akademischen Grade. In der Regel werden Dissertationen unter Verantwortung des jeweiligen Betreuers an der Heimatuniversität zum Abschluß gebracht. Das Höchstalter bei Stipendienantritt beträgt 32 Jahre; begründete Ausnahmen sind möglich. Die Höhe der Stipendien orientiert sich an den Sätzen des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) für <>Doktoranden (EUR 975/Monat zzgl. Krankenkassenzuschuß). Bewerbungsschluß für den nächsten Auswahltermin im Mai ist der 2. März
2007 (Datum des Poststempels).

Für die Antragsstellung werden benötigt in drei Exemplaren (keine Mappen!):

1. das ausgefüllte und unterzeichnete Bewerbungsformular (download unter
2. Lebenslauf
3. Kopien von Hochschulzeugnissen
4. Eine Skizze des Forschungsvorhabens mit Arbeits- und Zeitplan für den beabsichtigten Aufenthalt in Mainz (5-6 Seiten / 9000-11000 Zeichen
inkl. Leerzeichen).
5. Gegebenenfalls ein Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen in einem Exemplar: Dissertation auf CD-ROM oder Verlagspublikation (nur bei Post-Doc-Anträgen, die auf eine Erweiterung bzw. Vertiefung der Dissertation zielen)

Das Institut fordert Gutachten direkt bei zwei der im Bewerbungsformulargenannten Hochschullehrer an.

Informationen über das Institut und seine Forschungsstipendien finden
Sie auf der Website des Instituts (www.ieg-mainz.de).

Ihre Bewerbung richten Sie an:
Institut für Europäische Geschichte
Die Direktoren
Prof. Dr. Irene Dingel und Prof. Dr. Heinz Duchhardt
Kennwort: Stipendienbewerbung
Alte Universitätsstr. 19
55116 Mainz

Homepage <www.ieg-mainz.de/stipendienprogramm>

ANN: Medieval History Seminar

The German Historical Institutes in London and Washington are pleased to announce the fifth Medieval History Seminar, to be held in Washington D.C. from October 11 to 14, 2007. The seminar is designed to bringtogether American, British and German Ph.D. candidates and recent Ph.D. recipients (2005-2006) in medieval history for a weekend of scholarly discussion and collaboration. They will have the opportunity to present their work to their peers as well as to distinguished scholars fromboth sides of the Atlantic.

Conveners for the 2007 seminar will be professors Michael Borgolte (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Johannes Fried (Universität Frankfurt), Patrick J. Geary (University of California, Los Angeles), Dame Janet Nelson (King’s College, University of London), Barbara H. Rosenwein (Loyola University Chicago), and Miri Rubin (Queen Mary, University of London).

The Medieval History Seminar welcomes proposals from all areas of medieval history. Participation is not limited to historians working on <>German history or German-speaking regions of Europe. Nor is a particular epoch or methodological approach preferred. Applications from <>neighboring disciplines are welcome if the projects have a distinct historical focus.

Papers and discussions will be conducted both in German and English. Successful applicants must be prepared to submit a paper of approximately twenty typewritten pages by September 1, 2007. They also are expected to act as commentator for one other paper presented in the

The GHI will cover the travel and lodging expenses of the participants.

Applications should include:
a curriculum vitae (including address and e-mail);
a description of the proposed paper (4-5 pages, double-spaced);
one letter of recommendation.

Send applications by e-mail to: b.thomas@ghi-dc.org

German Historical Institute
1607 New Hampshire Ave. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20009

The deadline for submission is April 1, 2007.

For further information, please contact
Dr. Carola Dietze, GHI Washington, e-mail: dietze@ghi-dc.org or
Dr. Karsten Plöger, GHI London, e-mail: ploeger@ghil.ac.uk.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


<>I wanted to get the word out to earlymodern historians about a series of summer seminars for dissertation-stage Ph.D. students and junior faculty to be held in Montreal (2007, 2009, 2010) and <>Toronto (2008). The seminars are part of the 'Making Publics in Early ModernEurope' research project funded by Canada's Social Sciences and Humanities <>Research Council and will be led by various members of the research group. Further information on the project and the summer seminars can be found at the project website: http://makingpublics.mcgill.ca/
I'm also happy to respond to inquiries about the 'Making Publics' project. Please feel free to pass this message along to any students or colleagues who might have an interest in these seminars.

Prof. Brian Cowan
Canada Research Chair in Early Modern British History
McGill University, Dept. of History
855 rue Sherbrooke ouest
Montreal H3A 2T7
Quebec, Canada

phone: 1 (514) 398-4194 fax: 1 (514) 398-8365

Saturday, February 03, 2007


We are pleased to announce the formation of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in History. We invite the participation of historians from around the world who are interested in the scholarly analysis of history teaching and learning at the university level. Membership is free and provides access to our online conversation forum and a subscription to the society newsletter. All who join before July 1, 2007, will be counted as founding members of the society.

For instructions about HOW TO JOIN the society, click here.

The inaugural issue of the society NEWSLETTER contains articles on the development of the scholarly study of history teaching, spotlights on current research projects, and information about the society and its website. You can reach it by clicking here.

Friday, February 02, 2007

NEWS: New evidence on posting of 95 Theses emerges

The University of Jena has announced that newly-discovered marginalia in a contemporary book may provide as yet unknown evidence about Luther's posting of the 95 Theses.

Watch brief German tv announcement on ARD Tagesschau (in German, requires media player).

The source was discovered in the Nachlass of the Reformer Georg Rörer and will be presented to the public in a news conference on February 19th.

Read the announcement of the Thüringische Universitäts und Landesbibliothek Jena. A more detailed article was published in Die Welt (German).

ANNOUNCEMENT: NEH Summer Institute

Teaching the Reformation in a Pluralist Age

This NEH-funded institute is intended for humanities colleagues who teach history survey courses. It will focus on the Reformation's key themes, connect these to broader topics in western and world history, and suggest ways to make the Reformation's significance come
alive for undergraduates. Topics include Reformation theology, lay piety, religious and political power, the role of women, the impact of printing, art and iconoclasm, and the Reformation's impact in border areas, especially in Eastern Europe. Karin Maag, Director of the Meeter Center for Calvin Studies at Calvin College, will lead the institute. Visiting lecturers include Robin Barnes, Ward Holder, Henry Luttikhuizen, Graeme Murdock, Charles Parker, Larissa Taylor, and Merry Wiesner-Hanks. The institute will take place from June 25 to July 13, 2007, at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Participants receive a $2,400 stipend for the three weeks. For more information and application materials, please contact Karin Maag: kmaag@calvin.edu. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2007.

Dr Karin Maag, Director
H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies
Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary
Hekman Library, 1855 Knollcrest Circle SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4402
(616) 526-6089

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Cartography Website

Interesting website with lots of maps of the Holy Land from the early modern era.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

BOOK: Cornelia Niekus Moore, Patterned Lives

Just out: Cornelia Moore's latest, a study of biographical writing as presented in sixteenth and seventeenth century evangelical funeral sermons. The result of years of work at the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Moore's book defines the genre, discusses its origins and disappearances, and considers its context in noble, civic and monarchic culture.

Niekus Moore, Cornelia. Patterned Lives: The Lutheran Funeral Biography in Early Modern Germany. 403 pp., 33 illustrations. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. ISBN10: 3-447-05429-8 ISBN13: 978-3-447-05429-4.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Calvin Studies Colloquium

"John Calvin and Roman Catholicism"

Calvin Studies Society Colloquium
University of Notre Dame
April 12-14, 2007

We would like to invite you to attend the upcoming Calvin Studies Colloquium, to be held at the University of Notre Dame.

The theme of “John Calvin and Roman Catholicism” was chosen for several reasons.First of all, it is an acknowledgement that Calvin did not envision himself as the founder of a new tradition called “Calvinism,” but rather as one who soughtto restore the Catholic Church to what he called its “purer form” under the <>apostles and early Church writers. Calvin thought of himself as belonging tothe “orthodox and evangelical” tradition, which associated him not only with Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, Martin Bucer, and Heinrich Bullinger, but also with Cyprian, Ambrose, Chrysostom, and Augustine. One of the concerns of the colloquium will therefore be to assess the degree to which Calvin might be seen as a Catholic theologian, as surprising as such a claim might appear to be on its face. Secondly, as a consequence of his desire to restore the Catholic Church of his day, Calvin’s engagement with his contemporary Roman Catholics was not tangential to his concerns, but was directly related to the task he was called to carry out. By placing Calvin and his followers within the context of their wider interactions with Roman Catholics in Geneva and its environs, and in places like Holland, we can get a better idea of what the real issues were that both united and divided them, and will be able to see more clearly how members of the Old Church regarded the work of Calvin and his colleagues. Thirdly, the theme of the conference highlights the remarkable fact that a good deal of the best scholarship on Calvin has been done by Roman Catholics such as Alexandre Ganoczy, George Tavard, Lucien Richard, Carlos Eire, and Dennis Tamburello. By holding the conference at Notre Dame, Calvin scholars would not only be acknowledging the major contributions made to their field by their Roman Catholic colleagues, but would also be recognizing the irreducible importance of listening to what our Roman Catholic colleagues see in the thought of Calvin and the movement he so deeply influenced. Finally, Notre Dame seems to be the ideal place for such a discussion to occur because of its long involvement in and commitment to the ecumenical outreach to other Christian traditions initiated in earnest at Vatican II, which has made Notre Dame such a welcome home for those in Calvin’s tradition such as Alvin Plantinga, George Marsden, and Nathan Hatch. It is our hope that this colloquium could give further impetus to these efforts at ecumenical understanding, which help us to overcome unfortunate stereotypes and to come to a richer understanding of the Christian tradition we all share.

Full details, including program, are available from Randall Zachmann at the University of Notre Dame.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Call for Papers, SCSC 2007

The Society for Reformation Research, a North American scholarly organization and partner group to the Verein für Reformationgeschichte, is concerned with furthering scholarly research on the Protestant and Catholic Reformations and all other aspects of religious life in the early modern era. Following our mandate, we will sponsor a variety of sessions at the 2007 annual meeting of the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA), from October 24-28 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

We will accept papers and sessions on any theme related to Reformation research, but are particularly interested in sponsoring a series of sessions this year on the theme of "Reformation Encounters with the Other." Papers could treat any number of themes involving encounters between differing groups in the area of theology, religion, social and political relationships and arrangements, travel narratives and literature, and so on, in any context or period affected by the Reformation or the long sixteenth century (c. 1450-1650).

We also seek papers for a series of panels entitled "Religion on the Brink of Reformation," intended to bring medievalists and early modernists together for comparative and epoch-bridging discussion.

Finally, as always, we would like to sponsor a limited number of sessions on approaches to teaching the Reformation.

We encourage proposals both for individual papers as well as full sessions; we particularly welcome panels that offer closely focused comparisons across national borders or those that include scholars and scholarly approaches from different continents. Papers should not have been previously presented at any other scholarly meeting nor have been published. The deadline for submitting paper proposals (by mail or email) is March 15th.

If you would like to present a paper under the auspices of the Society for Reformation Research, or for more information about our programs,
please contact:

Susan R. Boettcher
c/o Lehrstuhl für die Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften
Humboldt Universität
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin

Email: susan.boettcher@mail.utexas.edu

More information about the conference is available at the website of the